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Lee Valley Skill Booster- Advanced Water

Skill Booster - Advanced - 1 day 


Contact us for dates.


8 September 2019: Places Available



Grade of whitewater: 3+ (i.e. The Legacy Loop & Olympic Course)


So you've been getting down those grade 3 rivers but you want to do it with more fluidity and efficiency? Perhaps you are readying yourself for assessment on the Olympic white water course, and just need that slight push. Well this is the one for you! 

Our Skill Booster - Advanced is an improver white water clinic that aims to give you the skills to use on the river, style your way down the course and learn the tactical and technical skills for harder, longer rapids.


We understand the working world has changed and the weekday 9-5 is no longer for everyone. That's why our Lee Valley Clinics can be run either in one full day, or two half day evening sessions. 


Who's this course for? 

The grade 3-4 paddler who wants to up their game. Stop relying on support strokes, use the river and style those line. You don't have to be all over it! That's why we're here, but to make the most of this course you should have a reliable roll and be regularly paddling on grade 3 rivers, or be paddling well on the Lee Valley Legacy Loop. 

This course has a maximum coaching ratio of 1:2, and will therefore be perfect to cater to your needs. Why not fill the course up by booking with a friend?


Disclaimer: We will not commit to taking any participant onto the Olympic White Water Course until we have ascertained their skill level. 


Example Itinerary

We will meet at the Cafe at 9.30am to discuss you're expectations and needs throughout the day before we hit the water! We will start with a fundamental skills session on the lake before heading to the course for a full on hour of challenging ourselves on the white water course. 


Over lunch we will discuss the morning's progress, and make a plan for the afternoon session taking into account your goals from the morning! 


What's included in the price

- Professional coaching from an experienced and qualified member of staff.

- A full day's intensive coaching at the LVWWC. Our staff will sign you on to the course, so no need to worry if you have not been assessed.

-LVWWC Course fees for 3 separate hours on the course. Enough to knacker an olympian!


What's not included in the price

-Transport to and from the Lee Valley White Water Centre (unless prearranged with us via email)

-Boat hire or equipment use (please contact Lee Valley if you require anything)


Price: £130





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